Best Staffing Agencies in Washington DC
We’ve compiled a large database of qualified people for a variety of businesses. Today, we have a track record of placing the most qualified applicants in a variety of industries across Washington, D.C. All types of reputable and multinational firms have benefited from our recruiting process outsourcing services. We’ve also been able to find, shortlist, and hire individuals for major industries like IT, Hospitality, and Tourism, as well as
Manufacturing, Engineering, FMCG, Automobile, Healthcare and many more. We hire for jobs at all levels of the hierarchy, from blue collar to white collar, in all industries.
Our notion of the 3 R’s (research, relate & recruit) is the key to selecting the right individual for your needs. A regular job calendar at RT-Recruit includes policy creation & execution as well as recruitment drives, payroll management, training and inductions, as well as various other minor and significant HR responsibilities.
RT-Recruit has a diverse client base from many industries and backgrounds and its professionally multi-cultural team assists them in meeting the demands of businesses in numerous fields. We also conduct initial interviews following the initial research, and we stay in the picture even after discussions and finalization of job roles and commercials until the offer letter is rolled out to the candidate as part of RT-placement recruit’s consultant service.
In addition, RT-Recruit provides recruitment process outsourcing services to its clients employing a unique and results-driven methodology that ensures excellent results that are unlike any other conventional recruitment process outsourcing firm. The team dedicates itself to parts or even the entire process, and if necessary, it serves as a complete human resource arm for the clientele by managing all processes, including the RTO process, which includes identifying the need for resources, formulating, JD, candidate search, benchmarking, negotiations, joining, on-boarding, and induction, as well as quality assurance. We handle the entire HR process from start to finish, relieving our clients of all concerns.
Furthermore, while finding a contract staffing agency is not difficult, finding the ideal one might be tough, which is where we come in. We have vendor
relationships in practically every industry and have worked as business partners before. As a result, we deal with contract sourcing models and their
clients. Before beginning any project, the members of the team work closely with the clients to learn about their policies and laws. The team methodically works on robust documentation and contract creation, closely monitoring and auditing existing contracts and working minutely on new contracts to relieve the client of any troubles.