RT-Recruit is a recruitment agency that strives to help businesses put together a staff of highly efficient and skilled professionals, and also serve employees by opening up new vistas of job opportunities for them. We take pride in lending our hand in creating the kind of professional environment that fulfill the mission and vision that enterprises are built upon. What’s more, we are operating in highly dynamic and diversified global markets. At present, we have our corporate appearance in major cities like Washington DC, Rockville, Leesburg, Denver, Bethesda, McLean, and now even in Ahmedabad, GJ, India. Yes, RT-Recruit has offered the finest recruitment process outsourcing services to numerous reputed and multinational organizations in Ahmedabad, India too, we believe in leaving no stone unturned in our attempt to help our growing clientele. Many reputable and worldwide firms use our outsourcing services. There are a number of industries that we have been able to source, shortlist, and hire candidates for including Information Technology (IT), Hospitality, and Tourism, Automobile, Engineering, FMCG, Healthcare, etc. It is our aim to keep up with the latest human resource demands and to provide Recruitment outsourcing services, Contract Staffing, RPO, and Executive Search.
Our team holds the experience to work on your behalf in a dedicated mode of engagement, keeping all your organizational objectives and requirements in view. They have amassed considerable knowledge by closely following industry patterns over time. Powered by a comprehensive knowledge of key performance indicators and expertise in handling all the administrative processes, we shall prove to be a veritable extension of your business indeed. Our team is focused on effectiveness, fast solutions, and increased business outcomes. RT-Recruit boasts a set of different recruitment processes that provide the perfect answer to your needs. Supported by effectively planned payroll processes, recruitment campaigns, training and inductions, and policy development and execution it helps you maximize your business functions and output through quality resources. For many of our clients, we adhere to a general approach in which we pay attention to their needs, source and perform the initial interviews of the clients following the initial research and other checkpoints. We also perform end-to-end functions such as assessing the need for a resource, developing a job description, recruiting candidates, bench-marking, negotiating, joining, on-boarding, and induction, as well as maintaining quality compliance’s, policy compliance’s, social benefits, and so on, which distinguishes us as prominent recruitment consultants.